Monthly Photo Selection:
1. Lake Huron Sunrise
This photo was taken on Port Salinac in Michigan. It's an image of a seagull at about 5:30 in the morning in late June. The sunrise of Lake Huron makes for an amazing backdrop.
Nikon D5600/18-35mm lens 3.4
The photo of the month selected by Greg Greve
2. Resilient Forest
This is an image of a tree taken at Pickler Lake Park - Fred Meijer Nature Reserve. The forests here are vast and diverse with plants and wildlife. Only days after a thunderstorm this photo was captured, of a tree that appears to be broken, but holding on resliently.
Nikon D850/40mm lens 2.8
Adam Degi - The Greatest of All-Time.
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July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness month.

mental health reach out icon

Links and Resources for Mental Health

Phone Numbers:
988 - Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
1-800-784-2433 - National Hopeline Network
Text HOME to 741741 - Crisis Text Line
1-800-950-6264 - National Alliance on Mental Illness